Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Final Preparations

Sixteen members of St. Anne's Episcopal Church, Sunfish Lake, MN are making final preparations for their mission trip to Holy Cross Anglican Primary School in San Pedro, Belize. They have been preparing for this trip for months. The purpose of the trip is to help build the school. Construction of a new library and computer center have just begun and the team from St. Anne's will be working on those rooms. We leave on Saturday, February 16, and hope to make regular postings to this blog.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hello and God's peace and rest be with you all! The Bakker home has you all in our thoughts and prayers as you begin this incredible journey. We trust that you are all safe and well. Belize is in for quite a gift of love. Thank you for being such incredible ambassadors of Christ's love for all of us at St. Anne's. Today as a family we celebrate the gift of life we were given 20 years ago - our Benjamin. The "Mr.s" send their love to Denny and Jan. Love to you all.